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BWL V: Lehrstuhl für Produktionswirtschaft und Industriebetriebslehre – Professor Dr. Jörg Schlüchtermann

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Team > PD Dr. Johannes Siebert

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Siebert_Johannes PD Dr. Johannes Siebert

Management Center Innsbruck
Professur für Supply Chain Management

Extra Curricular Activities (selected)

2012-nowMember of several committees (e.g. appointments and evaluation of faculty members)
2012-2015Substitute of the member of the university council (Hochschulrat) of the University of Bayreuth representing the professional academic staff (1000 persons)
2011-2012Member of the working group “Graduate School / Graduate Program” at the University of Bayreuth
2010-2011Elected member of the university council (Hochschulrat) of the University of Bayreuth representing the professional academic staff (1000 persons)

Awards and Certificates (selected)


Certificate „Vertiefungsstufe“ (FBZHL, workload 200 hours) for excellent teaching


The paper „Creating More and Better Alternatives for Decisions Using Objectives” (with R. Keeney) was the most downloaded paper in the journal Operations Research in 2015


The paper “Identifying and Structuring the Objectives of the “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (ISIL) and its Followers” (with D. von Winterfeldt und R. John) was the most downloaded paper in the journal Decision Analysis in 2015


Finalist of the Practice Awards of the Decision Analysis Society (INFORMS)


Award of the city of Bayreuth 2009 for the best phd thesis. (For this award every faculty of the University of Bayreuth nominates its best PdD thesis. Three out of more than 350 PhD thesis overall obtain this award)


Certificate „Hochschullehre Bayern“ FBZHL, workload 200 hours for excellent teaching


Finalist of the “CEO of the future 2002” competition, organized by the German Manager Magazine and McKinsey. (20 out of 4000 participants had reached the final)

International Scientific Responsibilities

Since 2017

Initial Member of the Coordinating Board of the EURO Working Group on Behavioural OR


Board Member of the Section on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (INFORMS)

August 2015

Member of the Local Committee and member of the Program Committee of the 23rd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Hamburg, Germany

March 2015

Member of the program committee of the 8th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Guimarães, Portugal


Secretary and Treasurer of the Section on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (INFORMS)

March 2013

Member of the program committee of the 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Since 2011

Head of the newsletter editorial team of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making

Since 2011

Member of the Executive Committee of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (there are 15 Members of the Executive Committee and more than 2.000 members overall)



Special Issue on MCDA Practice, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Eds. Johannes Siebert and Theodor Stewart. (VHB Jourqual 3: B+; based on 22 evaluations)


Decision Analysis and Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Proceedings of the Joint GOR-DASIG conference 2013 (Editors: Geiger, Martin; Langton, Sebastian; Morton, Alec; Siebert, Johannes). Aachen, 2014. (equivalent to VHB Jourqual: D)


Management Center Innsbruck
Professur für Supply Chain Management

Third Party and Research Projects

Energie Baden-Württemberg

“Constructing a Comprehensive Strategic Objectives Network for an Energy Supplier” in cooperation with Ralph Keeney.

Nordbayrischer Kurier

„Designing a Media-Specific Balanced Scorecard by Applying Value-Focused Thinking” with Reinhard Kunz and Joschka Mütterlein.


„»empower«: Entwicklung methodenbasierter produktionslogistischer Wertschöpfungsprozesse, ein Entscheidungsunterstützungskonzept zur Effizienzsteigerung in oberfränkischen KMU“ with Rolf Steinhilper, Tom Drews, Paul Molenda, and Oliver Oechsle (Fraunhofer Project Group Process Innovation).


“Recommendations about Decision-Making for Caltrans SHOPP Project Prioritization” with Ralph Keeney

Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events

Multi-Method Assessment of ISIL. Objectives and Scenarios for ISIL (Drs. Ali E. Abbas, Richard S. John, Johannes Siebert, Detlof von Winterfeldt, University of Southern California, Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events [CREATE], DHS), (pro bono)

One Week a Student e.V.

“Conceptualization and Operationalization of a Psychological and Decision-Theoretical Sound Effect and Measurement Model for Stimuli on Decisions on Education" with Nadine Oeser.


Management Center Innsbruck
Professur für Supply Chain Management



Management Center Innsbruck
Professur für Supply Chain Management

PD Dr. Johannes Siebert

E-Mail: johannes.siebert@uni-bayreuth.de

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Jörg Schlüchtermann

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